A hemp farming and hemp genetics company, we are on a mission to help farmers succeed in growing hemp. This involves ensuring robust plant growth and diversified, stable revenue streams. We believe that the best way to achieve this is through the Tri-Hocomo Hemp Genetic. The by-products of this approach include healthier farms, soil, and consumers.

There are up to 50,000 uses for hemp.
Hemp has been cultivated, all over the world, for 10,000-12,000 + years; it is estimated to have up to 50,000 uses, including 5,000 in the textile industry, alone.

Planting hemp on 6-10% of the continental U.S., for biomass-based energy production, would completely displace all need for petroleum-based fuels.
We’re calling upon governments, industries, and farmers worldwide
to step up and take immediate action in protecting our planet from the harmful practices that have led us to a global climate crisis.

Hemp production supports all 17 of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
Hemp is, arguably, the only crop capable of meeting each of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals for transforming our world.

Currently, the company is working on a genetics portfolio with a few universities in America. The goal is to use advanced technologies to make the hemp growing process more reliable and the harvest more bankable, all with an end goal to create one of the most affordable and proven ways to sequester C02 from Earth’s atmosphere.

(core genetic)
Genetic Type 1 – Tri-Crop: Development of hemp strains capable of providing three valuable products: fiber, seed, and cannabinoids, maximizing the utility and profitability of each crop.
Genetic Type 2 – CO2 Sequestration: Innovating hemp genetics that excel in capturing carbon dioxide, positioning hemp as a cost-effective solution to combat climate change compared to mechanical direct air capture technologies.

Farmer – Focused
We will help you understand and utilize the latest industry research, current government regulations, and most advanced technology in the sec-tor. We will then plug you into global supply chains to support you in distributing your final product.

Research – Based
We have combined decades of experience in the global hemp sector with farming, industry data, university research, and IP. We are one of the only hemp farms in the world with organic certification.

The USDA issues regulations for hemp production in the United States. HOCOMO seeds are USDA-compliant and will provide you with the high-est potential for security in growing and monetizing your crop yield.

Seed Financing
We have built meaningful relationships with financial and insurance part-ners to enable you to transition into the industry with the least amount of risk. You will be supported, in every aspect, every step of the way.